Thomas Hatch
Office Location:
307a ZankelOffice Hours:
Fall: Tuesday 2:00-3:00 Wednesday 2:30-4:30 Spring: Tuesday 2:30-4:30 Wednesday 2:30-3:30 And by appointmentEducational Background
Scholarly Interests
Educational change; educational leadership; distirct-wide and systemic school reform; high-performing education systems; teaching and learning; teacher research; and human development.
Selected Publications
Hatch, T. (2021). The education we need for a future we can’t predict. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Hatch, T., Roegman, R., & Allen, D. (2019). Creating equitable outcomes in a segregated state. Phi Delta Kappan, 100 (5), 19-24.
Hatch, T., Ahn, M., Ferguson, D., & Rumberger, A. (2019). The Role of External Support in Improving K-3 Reading Outcomes in New York City. Urban Education.
Hatch, T., Hill, K., & Roegman, R. (2016). Investigating the role of instructional rounds in the development of social networks and district-wide improvement. American Educational Research Journal, 53 (4), 1022-1053.
Hatch, T., Shuttleworth, J., Taylor, A., & Marri, A. (2016). Videos, pairs, and peers: What connects theory and practice in teacher education? Teaching and Teacher Education. 59, 274–284.