2021-2022 Provost's Student Excellence Award Recipients
Shirley Chisholm Trailblazer Award
- Carol Berrios
- Elliot Hu-Ah
- Iris Hinh
- Izabela Aparecida de Souza
- Kai Santiago
- Kate Giannettino
- Kelly (Yukai) Huang
- Marcella Winter
- Nadia Elizabeth Ford
- Neha Pant
Exemplary Impact Award
- Community Assistants, Office of Residential Services
- Organization & Human Development Consulting Club (OHDCC)
- Student Life Ambassadors
- The Synapse
Outstanding Community Program Award
- Paulo Freire Initiative at Columbia University
- Speaking Our Mind: Student Decolonization Movements in Diverse Higher Education Contexts - hosted by African Studies Working Group, Center for African Education, Speaking Our Mind Working Group
The Campbell Award
- Yijuan Rachel Zhu