

The iDesign lab provides technological equipment to better assist CMLTD students with their course study and academic projects. This equipment includes:

  • iPads & Android tablets
  • Laptops, including MacBook Pro
  • Cameras (Digital & Video)
  • Tripods, Lenses & SD Memory Cards
  • Audio Equipment (Recorders, Speakers & Headphones)
  • Various Cords, Adapters & Dongles
  • ...and More!

If you would like to borrow any of the above equipment, please feel free to browse the categories of equipment we have and click "Request".

iDesign equipment

Media Production

Digital cameras, tripods, audio equipment, etc

iDesign equipment


Laptops, tablets, computer accessories, etc

iDesign equipment

Educational Games and Maker Kits

LEGO Mindstorms, MakeyMakey, etc.

idesign equipment


VR headsets, Google carboards, Guestrue Control Sensors, etc.

Do you know of equipment that is not in our inventory but you think should be? You can suggest equipment that is of interest to you with this form.

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