Projects and Presentations

Selected Projects and Presentations

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Project Areas and Selected Publications

Perspectives on Whiteness

Smith, L., Xu, O.Y., Short, K., Montion., E., & Gordon, B. (2024). Psychology and whiteness itself. Manuscript under review.

Smith, L., Xu, O. Y., Asencio, C., & Trevino, M. (2024). Sociocultural whiteness and the racism-related research agenda. Manuscript under review.

Smith, L., Madon, N., Gordon, T., Asencio, C., Xu, O. Y., & Sheffey, M. (2023). Psychology, race, and “the politics of truth.” Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.

Epistemology, Wellness, and Justice

Smith, L., Goodman, L., Gordon, T., & Hailes, H. (in press). Epistemic injustice and individual wellness. In (Prilleltensky, I., Di Martino, S., Scarpa, M., & Ness, O., Eds.)  How people thrive: Promoting the synergy of wellness, fairness, and worthiness. Cambridge University Press.

Smith, L., Abdel-Salam, L., Scott-McLaughlin, R., Baranowski, K., Madon, N., & Williams, M. (2022).  Counseling psychology and participatory justice: "Sharing the university." Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-19.

Studying Poverty and Culture

Smith, L., Scott-McLaughlin, R., Abdel-Salam, L., Alsaidi, S., Madon, N., Robin, D., & Trojanovic, (in press). Exploring preferences for multicultural workshop formats: Does the race of the trainer matter? Professional Psychology.

Smith, L., Li, V. , Dykema, S., Hamlet, D., & Shellman, A. (2013).  “Honoring somebody that society doesn’t honor”: Therapists working in the context of poverty. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69, 138-51.


Smith, L., Baranowski, K., Abdel-Salam, L., & McGinley, M. (2018). Youth participatory action research: Agency and unsilence as anti-classist practice. Translational Issues Psychological Science, 2, 176-186.

Smith, L., Bratini, L., & Appio, L.M. (2012). “Everybody’s teaching and everybody’s learning”:  Photovoice and youth counseling. Journal of Counseling and Development, 90, 3-12.

Smith, L., Rosenzweig, L., &  Schmidt, M. (2010). Best practices in the reporting of PAR:  Embracing both the  forest and the trees. The Counseling Psychologist, 38, 1115-1138.

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