The Carmela and Marie F. Volpe Fellowship for International Service in Education
The Carmela and Marie F. Volpe Fellowship for International Service in Education supports International and Comparative Education Program students to travel internationally with a research focus on the education of orphans, street children, child laborers, or other marginalized children. The Fellowship reimburses students who do internships with a non-governmental organization for international travel and accommodations.
George W. Perkins Memorial Scholarship
The George W. Perkins Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students who have exemplary commitment to the International and Comparative Education Program and have contributed to the collaborative spirit of the Program, working with students, faculty, and staff.
Travel Reimbursements
The ITS Department offers travel reimbursement to students in our programs who present papers at professional conferences. The maximum amount that can be claimed by any one student each year is $125. This is a reimbursement for travel (plane, train, automobile, etc.) expenses only. Students must submit travel reimbursement requests via Chrome River within 90 days of completion of travel, include electronic versions of receipts, and email with information about the conference and a program that includes proof of your presentation.
Fulbright Program
The Fulbright program is the flagship exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government offering opportunities for U.S. students, teachers, professionals, and scholars to study, teach, lecture, and conduct research in more than 160 countries. It was established to "enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries." For more information, see:
Federal Work-Study Program
Federal Work-Study is a need-based form of student employment that is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are encouraged to submit a FAFSA application (and answer YES to the Work-Study question) no later than March 1st of the year you plan to attend, even though you still may be considered if you file after that date. For more information, visit
The Arthur Zankel Urban Fellowship
This fellowship is a financial aid award in the amount of $10,000 per academic year for TC students to work with disadvantaged inner-city youth. All questions regarding this fellowship should be directed to the Office of School and Community Partnerships at TC.
Dean’s Grant for Student Research
Awards of up to $2,000 will be made to students who submit the strongest proposals for research that has educational implications for the field and for the academic program at TC. In past years, between five and eight grants have been awarded. Matriculated TC students are eligible to apply. For additional questions, contact the Office of Student Affairs or e-mail:
Research Dissertation Fellowship
Fellowship recipients are awarded $6,000 to supplement academically related tuition, living, research, or travel expenses. Fellowships are available only to matriculated TC doctoral students who are on track to receive dissertation proposal approval at the end of the academic year. For additional questions, contact the Office of Student Affairs or e-mail:
Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG)
The DDG award will provide a $6,250 grant to currently enrolled doctoral students who have or will defend their dissertation. Ph.D. students will receive an additional $1,500 to help defray the differential tuition charged the semester in which they defend their dissertation. Recipients are selected based on a combination of merit and financial need.
Taking both merit and need into consideration, grants-in-aid are awarded to doctoral students during the last two semesters of graduate work. Grants-in-aid are designed to assist doctoral students with tuition, dissertation advisement, and/or the defense fee during the last two semesters of work. Students must demonstrate considerable loan indebtedness incurred while at TC and little or no previous scholarship assistance from TC, including tuition exemption. The application is available online and at the Office of Financial Aid.
The AERA Dissertation Grant
With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the AERA Grants seeks proposals for its Dissertation Grants. The program seeks to stimulate research on U.S. education issues using data from large scale, national, and international data sets supported by the NSF. The program supports highly competitive dissertation research using rigorous quantitative methods to examine large-scale, education-related data. The awards are up to $25,000 for 1-year projects. For more information, please visit
Tinker Foundation Grants
The Tinker Foundation’s Grants program has as its goal the creation of effective policy changes to improve the lives of Latin Americans. The Board of Directors has identified three areas in which focused, expert research and innovation has the potential to make a significant positive impact: democratic governance, education, and sustainable resource management. There are two levels of support: $10,000 and $15,000 per annum. For more information visit