Cross Registration Columbia: Important Information
- Cross-registration with Columbia University begins later than registration in TC courses. At the latest, in any given semester, we would anticipate opening cross-registration one week before the start of that semester. However, the actual opening date for cross-registration varies term by term. A blast e-mail is sent to all TC students to announce specific dates for the start of cross-registration. You may also e-mail for information.
- Search Columbia's directory of classes. Make sure to take note of the five-digit call number, as you will need it to register.
- CU courses will minimally require approval of the course instructor, so you should be prepared to obtain written, signed permission from the instructor. You may use TC's Special Permission/Override form, or you can ask the instructor to write a short note or e-mail indicating that you have permission to register. Bring the permission note to the Office of the Registrar at Teachers College (528 West 121st St., Room 324), forward the e-mail, or send a fax to (212) 678-3005. We will then enter the approval, and you can proceed to register online in myTC.
- Once the TC Registrar has received and entered all necessary course approvals, you may register for a Columbia course online through the myTC Portal. Simply enter the five-digit Columbia call number when you are prompted to add classes; enter the call number in the same space where you would enter the CRN of a TC course. Make sure to save your changes and confirm your registration.
- Note: For all Columbia courses, you must register online through myTC or by contacting the TC Registrar's Office. If you are not properly registered for Columbia courses in the TC system, you will not receive grades or credit for your Columbia coursework.
- Certain Columbia schools have special procedures in place to grant approval for cross-registrants. Even if you have received written permission from a Columbia professor to join a class, you should follow the instructions below for the schools that are listed:
- School of Architecture: Approval granted in 4th Floor of Avery Hall, Admissions. You will need to obtain written approval from the School of Architecture. You will also have to register in person with the TC Registrar (528 West 121st St., Room 324) or by e-mailing us your registration request.
- School of the Arts: Please secure written approval from the Arts department that sponsors the course.
- Business School: Pursue approval online through the Business School's cross-registration site. The Business School will inform Teachers College of any approvals granted, and a representative from TC will prompt you to complete registration in the myTC Portal.
- School of Engineering: Please secure written approval from the Engineering department that sponsors the course. If you seek to register for a course sponsored by the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) department, you will need to apply for approval here. Note that the IEOR application will ask for a PID number; simply enter all 0's.
- School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA):Each term, Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs opens certain courses to cross-registrants from other schools. Click here to view a list of those courses. In most cases, TC students may register freely for these open courses via myTC. Standard TC registration deadlines apply. Note that a few of the above courses may require instructor's registration approval. To secure this approval, simply e-mail the SIPA professor and present the return e-mail to the TC Registrar's Office.
- School of Journalism: Visit the School of Journalism cross-registration site for more information. Journalism will inform Teachers College of any approvals granted, and someone from TC will prompt you to complete registration in the myTC Portal. Note that you must register for Journalism courses through myTC, or you will not receive grades or credits for those courses. For specific questions about approval, contact Melanie Huff, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, at
- School of Law: Approval granted in the Law School Registrar's Office, 5th Floor of William and June Warren Hall. You will need to obtain written approval from the School of Law. The TC Registrar will need to manually register you for Law School courses. You can send your registration request to us (along with written approval from the Law School) to or fax it to (212) 678-3005. You can also register in person with these documents.
- School of Social Work: Pursue approval online through this School's cross-registration site. The School of Social Work will inform Teachers College of any approvals granted, and someone from TC will prompt you to complete registration in the myTC Portal. Note that you must register for Social Work courses through myTC, or you will not receive grades or credits for those courses.
- Any 0-point CU course: Special approval required TC Registrar. Send an e-mail to