Statement of Lab Values
Land Acknowledgment
The NCLLab acknowledges that we live and learn on the ancestral and traditional homeland of the Lenni-Lenape and Wappinger people. By acknowledging the legacies of displacement, migration, and settlement, we wish to take a small first step toward the long and overdue process of healing and repair. As part of our commitment to education and equity, we acknowledge the injustices that indigenous peoples have faced and continue to face in the United States. We honor and pay respect to all indigenous peoples, by recognizing their relationship with this land.
Our Land Acknowledgment Statement is partly based on the statements by Teachers College and the Columbia University School of the Arts.
Responsible Conduct of Research
The foundations of integrity in research are objectivity, honesty, openness, accountability, fairness, and stewardship (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017).
Photo cr: Self Reflected Gallery. (2017). Greg Dunn Neuro Art.
Scientific Community Values
We recognize that it is a great privilege to work together as a research community to advance toward our scientific goals. We take seriously the responsibility to conduct meaningful research that addresses real-world issues and is communicable to the broader public. We strive to conduct our research with integrity, care, and a deep investment in the scientific process. We believe that we all have the right to learn, contribute to science, and achieve professional growth in a supportive and respectful environment.
This means that we treat each other, and each other’s work, with honesty, respect, and kindness. Specifically:
- The protections and rights of our participants are prioritized at all times.
- We work to provide a supportive environment in which each person can fully participate.
- We value the uniqueness of individual experiences, and welcome all perspectives.
- Information and ideas are exchanged, openly, respectfully, and honestly, without judgment, in the spirit of scientific inquiry.
- We recognize that we are all learners. We recognize and work to ameliorate gaps in our knowledge. We acknowledge our mistakes and welcome corrections.
Diversity and Inclusion
If you do not intentionally, deliberately, and proactively include, you unintentionally exclude.
-- Calvin Mackie, Ph.D.
We recognize that participants in the research endeavors of the NCLLab represent a great diversity of scientific, educational, and personal backgrounds. We value the contributions and knowledge brought to our research community through the engagement of individuals from diverse experiences.
Oppression consists of individual, institutional, and systemic problems that necessitate solutions at every level. Our individual acts and behaviors are important palliative measures. We work to have patience and understanding when we encounter differences in culture, perspective, and communication. We willingly and intentionally engage in self-reflection and acknowledgment of missteps or gaps in our knowledge and experience, and we strive to learn from one another and from the work we produce.
We commit to continuous allyship for marginalized and underrepresented communities.
This means, at a minimum:
- Educating ourselves about racial justice and systemic discrimination against marginalized communities;
- Listening to and uplifting voices from these communities even when they challenge our assumptions and make us uncomfortable;
- Speaking out and pushing for change when we see microaggressions or institutional policies that disadvantage these communities, both within our lab and within the larger campus community, from staff and low-wage workers to students and faculty;
- Making space and time for trainees to heal, take care of their communities, or fight for justice, and continuing to provide financial, career, and other support while they do so;
- Donating, when we have the means, to organizations that promote the success and well-being of marginalized communities in STEM or in the larger community. Examples include (but are not limited to):