Adaptive Technology
List of adaptive technologies:
Dragon Naturally Speaking is a speech recognition program that listens to spoken commands, processes the verbal input, and sends the commands to the computer as if they had been typed at the keyboard. The program requires training, and each user has to set up their own account.
Co:Writer SOLO is a word prediction program that generates possible words for writing and typing support. The predictions are generated by combining knowledge of spelling (phonetic and dictionary), grammar rules, context clues, user history, and letter cues. The program also offers speech feedback and allows users to customize the words that are predicted.
Zoom Text
Zoom Text is a screen magnification program that magnifies the size of the characters or graphics displayed on the computer screen up to 16 times.
MagniSight Custom Focus CCTV camera
Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) is an electronic magnifier designed to assist persons with vision impairments. It consists of a video camera and a video monitor. CCTV systems also come equipped with sliding trays for holding books and other printed information beneath the video camera. The sliding trays slide left to right, and forward and back, allowing the reading material to be positioned beneath the camera. CCTV systems can provide from 2 times to about 60 times magnification, depending on the system.
Kurzweil 1000 is a scanning and reading program that makes printed or electronic text readily available to people who are blind or visually impaired. It is compatible with Braille note takers and embossers as well as portable devices such as DAISY and MP3 audio players. It can convert documents to MP3, WAV, and DAISY audio files as well.
Kurzweil 3000 is a scanning and reading program that makes printed or electronic text readily available to struggling readers. Text will be highlighted when reading to provide users with both audio and visual input. The software usually supports various file formats like text, word, and pdf.
Victor Reader Soft
Victor Reader Soft is a computer application for reading digital audiobooks. It provides several features for fast and easy navigation through a book structure as well as save information within the book such as bookmarks, text annotation, and customizing the display parameters.
EaseReader supports the playback of the latest Digital Talking Books(DTBs), for all types of DAISY books.
WYNN is a scanning and reading program that scans the printed material into the computer and reads it out for users. Text will be highlighted when reading to provide users with both audio and visual input. The software usually supports various file formats like text, word, and pdf.
AGC is a scientific calculator that provides voiced feedback for computations, as well as audio representations of graphs. It can import data from Excel or a host of other applications.
JAWS is a screen reader program that reads information displayed on the computer video monitor. It is used in conjunction with software programs like word processors, databases, spreadsheets, browsers, e-mail clients, and other applications. Screen readers come bundled with speech engines, which are software programs that convert incoming text into an unlimited vocabulary voice, and handle the text to speech conversion process. Screen readers let you hear your keystrokes as they are entered at the keyboard, and also let you read what is displayed on the video monitor. They are also configurable to read any portion of the screen with a hotkey. This is useful for reading segments of the screen rapidly, such as the program title, menu bar, status line, current word, current line, whatever is desired.
Openbook is a scanning and reading program that scans the printed material into the computer and reads it out for users. Text will be highlighted when reading to provide users with both audio and visual input. The software usually supports various file formats like text, word, and pdf.
WinBraille is a Braille translation program that converts standard text into Braille, allowing users to compose, edit, and print Braille documents. It supports translation to contracted and un-contracted Braille. It also converts images to tactile graphic format online. Braille text can be pasted into any position utilizing the increased graphical resolution (0.5 mm). Supported image formats: BMP, TIF, WMF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and SIG.
DBT is a Braille translation program that supports grade 1 and grade 2 translation in English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Malaysian, Swedish, and other languages. It can produce contracted and uncontracted braille, mathematics, and technical braille.
Papenmeier Braillex EL80s Braille display
Braillex EL 80s is a desktop Braille display with 80 interactive Braille cells. It connects to personal computers and translates text displayed on the screen into instantaneous Braille output. A screen reader is required to drive a Braille display. The screen reader sends information to the Braille display. When the display receives the text string, it automatically displays the text using mechanical Braille dots. The dots are controlled by the display and pop up and down to form the Braille characters that correspond with the incoming text stream. Braille displays can be of great value when performing word processing, database management, spreadsheet functions, computer programming, surfing the web, and so forth.
Index Basic-D Braille Embosser
Braille printers, or Braille embossers, are devices that are dedicated to printing hard copy Braille documents. The typical Braille embosser uses blunt pins to punch dots into heavy weight paper for the production of Braille hard copy. The pins drive the paper against a rubberized plate that absorbs the force of impact and prevents the pins from punching the dots completely through the stock.