Major Educational Foundations

Foundation Funding

The foundations listed below represent the majority of private sponsors to which TC faculty and staff have applied for funding over the last several years, and as such are likely to be receptive to future applications from us. We have included very brief summaries of each organization's funding priorities; follow the links to get fuller descriptions, information on projects funded and application information. Information on other foundations can be searched using the Foundation Center's databases, available to us through the Columbia University Libraries at:

Important: Please contact OSP or Lucia Capadiluco at Corporate and Foundation Relations prior to contacting any of the sponsors listed below. As is the case with all applications to private sponsors, we will coordinate to eliminate the possibility of competing approaches for funding from the College.


A. L. Mailman Family Foundation

Early Childhood Education Policy, Training and Service Delivery

Achelis & Bodman Foundations

Funds NYC Based projects in six program areas: Arts and Culture, Education, Employment, Health, Public Policy, and Youth.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Technology and Education, Science Education

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Funds projects that enhance the capability of the research community to use large-scale data sets to conduct studies that are relevant to education policy and practice, and strengthen communications between the educational research community and government agencies.

American Psychological Foundation

Funds projects that advance psychology as a science and a profession and as a means of understanding behavior and promoting health and human welfare.

American Sociological Association

The ASA Research Program on the Profession and the Discipline is responsible for developing and disseminating knowledge on sociology both as a discipline and a profession.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation makes grants in higher education, museums and art conservation, performing arts, conservation and the environment, and public affairs.

Annenberg Foundation

The Annenberg Foundation provides support for projects within its grant-making interest areas of education and youth, arts and culture, civic and community, and health.

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Funds initiatives that have significant potential to demonstrate innovative policy, service delivery, and community supports for children and families.

Beaumont Foundation of America

The Beaumont Foundation of America grants state-of-the-art, wireless laptop computers and technology equipment to schools and community groups serving low-income populations and individuals.

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation

Provides unrestricted funding of cancer, nutrition, neuroscience, cardiovascular, infectious diseases and metabolic diseases research. In each scientific field, the program annually presents at least one five-year, $500,000 unrestricted research grant and a distinguished achievement award of $50,000 to an individual researcher.

Broad Foundation

Funds projects concerning the quality of elementary and secondary public education in America, particularly within large urban school districts

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Carnegie Corporation of New York is a general-purpose, grantmaking foundation established in 1911 by Andrew Carnegie "for the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding among the people of the United States.

Caroline & Sigmund Schott Foundation

Mission: To develop and strengthen the movement for equity in education and childcare. Goal: To develop and strengthen a broad-based and representative movement to achieve fully resourced preK-12 public education in Massachusetts and New York.

Charles H. Revson Foundation

Foundation focuses its funding on four program areas:
Urban Affairs , Education , Biomedical Research Policy , Jewish Philanthropy and Education

Charles Stuart-Mott Foundation

Has four major program areas: Civil Society, Environment, Flint Area and Pathways Out of Poverty

CLIO - The Foundation Directory

The Foundation directory

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

Based in New York City, where the majority of grants are awarded, the Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that concentrate on community development, education, and the arts.

DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund

The mission is to foster fundamental improvements in the quality of educational and career development opportunities for all school-age youths and to increase access to these improved services for young people in low-income communities. Areas of interest include improving services to children and youths in elementary and secondary schools, in community-based organizations, and through school-community collaboration.

Ewing Marion Kaufmann Foundation

Kauffman Foundation makes grants and supports initiatives in entrepreneurship and education

Ford Foundation

Grants and PRIs are given in the Foundation's fields of interest through a program division encompassing three broad areas: Asset Building and Community Development; Education, Media, Arts, and Culture; and Peace and Social Justice.

Gates Foundation

The Gates Foundation awards the majority of its grants to U.S. 501 (c) (3) organizations and other tax exempt organizations identified by foundation staff according to the objectives of our four program areas: Global Health, Education, Global Libraries, and Pacific Northwest.

Goldman Sachs Foundation

Current priorities are to enhance academic performance and prospects for life achievement of students at the secondary school level, to develop the abilities of promising high potential youth worldwide, and to support high quality education for young people in business and entrepreneurship.

Grammy Foundation

The Foundation accomplishes this mission through programs and activities designed to engage the music industry and cultural community as well as the general public. The GRAMMY Foundation works in partnership year-round with The Recording Academy and its regional offices to bring national attention to important issues such as the value and impact of music and arts education, and the urgency of preserving our rich cultural legacy.

Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

Funds the interdisciplinary exploration of higher education; increased understanding between Asia and the United States; the study of religion and theology; scholarship in American art; opportunities for women in science and engineering; and environmental and public policy programs.


Columbia University

International Foundation for Music Research

Sounds of Learning: The Impact of Music Education critically examines the roles of music education in the lives of school age children.

Lumina Foundation for Education

Lumina Foundation supports the following types of endeavors, working diligently to ensure that all funded projects promote access, attainment and adult learning:
• Research to expand knowledge and improve practices that affect students' access and success in postsecondary education.
• Innovative programs, guided by research, that present practical approaches to access and attainment among underserved students and adult learners.
• Activities that enhance the impact of Lumina Foundation-funded research and programs, such as leadership development, communication, evaluation and public policy analysis.

McArthur Foundation

Four programs: Program on Global Security and Sustantiability, Program on Human and Community Development, General Program, McCarthy Fellows Program.

Merrill Lynch & Co., Foundation

The education of underserved children and youth in the areas of financial literacy, entrepreneurship, leadership development, career planning and business awareness is Merrill Lynch's principal philanthropic focus. Merrill Lynch gives priority to specific innovative, sustainable programs and projects, rather than general operating support that serve the unmet educational needs and interests of an ethnically diverse population who have limited access to financial resources.

National Fragile X Foundation

To foster research on fragile X syndrome, The following forms of investigation are potentially appropriate for funding: educational or therapy interventions, medical or molecular interventions, studies of family support and counseling and diagnostic and reproductive studies.

Open Society Institute/Soros Foundation


The Education Support Program (ESP) is currently accepting proposals for RE:FINE, a new initiative established to support special projects that further open society goals in education in identified priority areas. It provides strategic grants for networking opportunities to promote open society goals in education. The fund may also provide assistance to safeguard gains made in education by the Open Society Education Network in contexts where these are placed at risk. RE:FINE supports special projects to further open society goals in fours priority areas: accountability, equity, anticorruption, and the improvement of learning outcomes that support open society values. RE:FINE provides strategic grants for networking projects in education in South Eastern Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia. The fund also supports projects in countries where OSI is developing new partnerships.

Packard Foundation

The Foundation focuses in three key program areas: Conservation and Science Program ,Population Program ,Children, Families, and Communities Program.

PEW Charitable Trusts

Our work in the policy arena falls into three major categories--education, the environment and health and human services--with selected investments in other areas of significant and timely opportunity.

Robert Bowne Foundation

The Robert Bowne Foundation provides grants related to youth literacy for direct service programs, technical assistance to out-of school programs, evaluation, advocacy, and research.

Robert Wood Foundation

The Foundation focuses the majority of its grantmaking in four Portfolios. For a project to be eligible for support, it must successfully address the objectives of one of the following four Portfolios. Targeted: Addressing specific improvements in targeted health and health care challenges over a defined time period. Human Capital:Attracting, developing and retaining high-quality leadership and workforce to improve health and health care. Vulnerable Populations: Promoting community-based projects that improve health and health care outcomes for society's most vulnerable people. Pioneer: Promoting fundamental breakthroughs in health and health care through innovative projects.

Robin Hood Foundation

Robin Hood makes grants to organizations exclusively in the five boroughs of New York City whose work falls within the following four issue areas: Early Childhood & Youth, Education, Jobs and Economic Security, and Survival.

Rockefeller Foundation

There are two kinds of Areas of Work, which constitute the heart of our operations: Thematic Areas of Work--Food Security, Health Equity, Creativity & Culture, and Working Communities; and Shared Areas of Work--Global Inclusion and our regional work in Southeast Asia, North America, and Eastern and Southern Africa.

Russell Sage Foundation

The Foundation's awards are restricted to support for basic social science research within our announced programs. Our web site, biennial reports, and other publications provide descriptions of each of these programs and examples of the research we have supported in the past

Spencer Foundation

The Major Grants program will accept applications that fit within one or more of four areas of inquiry: The Relation between Education and SocialOpportunity ; Organizational Learning in Schools, School Systems, and Higher Education Institutions; Teaching, Learning, and Instructional Resources; and, Purposes and Values of Education. In addition to proposals in these defined areas, the foundation will continue to provide an opportunity to submit field-initiated proposals outside these areas.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

The Foundation will consider requests that fall within our established or developing programming areas:Health
Food Systems and Rural Development
Youth And Education
Philanthropy and Volunteerism
Greater Battle Creek
Cross-Programming Work: Devolution
Southern Africa
Latin America and the Caribbean

Wachovia Foundation

To be considered for grant funding, organizations must align with one or more of the Foundation's focus areas: Education, Community Development, Health/Human Services, and Arts/Culture.

Wallace Foundation

We have three objectives:Strengthen education leadership to improve student achievement
Improve after-school learning opportunities; Expand participation in arts and culture. The Wallace Foundation is a national foundation that supports programs in the United States.

William T. Grant Foundation

Its mission is to further the understanding of human behavior through research. Today, that mission centers around supporting research to improve the lives of young people. The Foundation pursues this goal primarily by investing in high quality research on how contexts such as families and programs affect youth, how these contexts can be improved, and how scientific evidence affects influential adults.

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