Checklist for Obtaining Initial Teacher Certification

Checklist for Obtaining Initial Teacher Certification

Through Institutional Recommendation at Teachers College

You MUST do ALL of the following:

Across Your Program of Study

Create a NYSED TEACH Account

  • Visit and follow the steps to create a TEACH account. For a step-by-step video tutorial of how to create a TEACH account, click here
  • Edit/update your “Education History” to include ALL higher education coursework completed

Meet NYSED-GENERAL-core in Liberal Arts credit requirements in following subjects (if not done so already)--NO longer required by NYSED effective 4/27/2022

Note: the transcript evaluation for this requirement is processed through the OTE.

  • Artistic Expression, Language Other than English, Humanities, Concept in History & Social Sciences, Scientifi & Mathematical Processes

Meet CONTENT-core (certificate subject specific) 30 credits requirement (if not done so already)

Note: the transcript evaluation for this requirement is processed through your academic program.

  • View your program requirements

Complete required New York State Exams for Initial Certification

Registration and preparation guides are available at: and at (for the edTPA)

  • edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) (unless you already hold an initial certificate from New York State)*--NO longer required by NYSED effective 4/27/2022
  • Educating All Students Test (EAS)
  • Revised Content Specialty Test (CST) (Check NYSED website for which CST is required for your certification area)

*Many programs ask students to complete the edTPA during their student teaching experience.

Complete 3 Workshops

Teachers College is a NYSED approved provider for all of the following workshops.  Feel free to register at  If you complete a workshop outside TC, please send proof of completion to

  • Child Abuse and Identification and Reporting Training (Unless you have taken HBSS 4116)
  • School Violence Intervention and Prevention Training (Unless you have taken HBSS 4116)
  • Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Training

Obtain Fingerprint Clearance (if not done so already)

  • Your fingerprints will need to be on file with the NYC DOE prior to student teaching, and with the New York State Education Department for certification. Please see Fingerprinting for options.

Student Teaching Semesters

  • Read Student Teaching Packet
  • Get fingerprinted and ensure that fingerprints are on file with the city; also take steps to ensure that fingerprints will be on file with the state for certification
  • Register online with New York City at as a student teacher
  • Send proof that you completed the above requirements. Our office will then issue “Student Teaching Clearance Letter” to you; clearance is required in order to begin student teaching.

DURING student teaching:

Critical Last Steps

Apply for a teaching certificate via the NYSED (State) TEACH system (Different from NYC TEACH)

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