Teacher Cert 2-Step Process

Teacher Certification is a 2-Step Process

Step 1: Recommendation by TC

The Institutional Recommendation Data Form (IRDF) should be submitted in the semester in which you will be graduating. It will be processed once ALL of the grades for ALL of your courses are on record with the Registrar’s office.

Once the Office of Teacher Education receives a list from the Registrar’s office stating that you will be allowed to graduate and your IRDF packet is complete, you can check the status of your institutional recommendation by logging into: www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert

Step 2: Issuance of Certificate by NYSED

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) will then check to see whether you have passed all of your teacher certification exams and they have received your fingerprint clearance.  If this is the case, you will see your “certificate” posted on the NYSED account. Note: You will not receive an actual “certificate” in the mail.

In order to make sure everything is in order by the semester in which you plan to graduate, please make sure the following are met:

  • Undergraduate transcript reflects obtainment of an official Bachelor’s degree.
  • The Record of Hours Form(s) for both student teaching placements must have been submitted to the Office of Teacher Education.
  • Fingerprints are on record at the NEW YORK STATE level.
    • You can check whether your fingerprints are in order by checking your NYSED account: 1) Go to: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/teach/, 2)Click on “Account Information,” 3) Select “Fingerprinting” inside the white box, 4) Press “Go.” It should say, “Your DCJS and FBI results have been received.” Or “Your fingerprints have been received from NYC.”
    • If you were fingerprinted by IdentoGo in NY, there is no need to do anything
    • If you were fingerprinted by NYCDOE, please send an OSPRA 104 to NYCDOE

Special Notes:

  1. If you took the HBSS 4116 course, a note will be put on your TC transcript to fulfill the certification workshop requirement for Child Abuse Identification & School Violence Prevention and Intervention.  NOTE: You will be required to complete DASA workshop separate and you will be emailed a certificate of completion.
  2. All certificates will have an “Issued/Effective Date” which will allow you to be hired as of that date.
  3. A Letter of Good Standing for employment purposes will only be provided upon your request AND submission of the Institutional Recommendation Data Form (IRDF). Note: If you took the Child Abuse, School Violence, or Dignity Act/DASA workshop at TC, there is NO need to submit a copy of the certificate to the Office of Teacher Ed with your IRDF.
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