Classroom Technology Support
In order to best support the college, 68 classrooms and lecture halls have permanently installed multi-media equipment consoles with a projector or flat panel displays, Smart/Starlink Boards, and mobile projection carts.
All our media console, mobile cart, and Smart Board/Starlink systems are equipped with a dual-boot Mac Mini (Mac OS 10.11 and MS Win 10); all these rooms have either a 30w, 75w, or 100w sound systems with physical connections for user's laptop to the main display. All of our classroom installations utilize wireless RF Keyboards.
To find specific information about a room's equipment please check Classroom A-V inventory.
For classrooms or spaces without permanently fixed equipment, we can provide mobile carts equipped with an LCD projector, a PC, and 30w Sound System.
To request classroom technology set-up or assistance please fill out a Media Services Request call Ext 3300.