AI Resume Review & Mock Interview (Quinncia)

AI Resume Review & Mock Interviews (Quinncia)

Receiving a job offer requires a lot more effort than just finding the job. You have to understand both your hard and soft skills and learn how to highlight them effectively in your resume and interview. 

That's where Quinncia comes in. We offer an artificial intelligence (AI) solution to help you perfect your resume, practice interviews, and provide you with helpful resources. 


Our AI system, Quinn, will help you with the following:  

Resume Enhancements

You can upload your resume for review as many times as you would like on QuinnciaQuinn will analyze the content and formatting of your resume and provide detailed feedback. You will learn resume writing best practices that will help you increase the your chances of landing your dream job or internship. Our resume analysis will help you draft, finalize, and improve your resume!


Tailored Mock Interviews

With Quinncia, you can schedule an unlimited number of mock AI interviews to help you prepare for the real thing! Quinn will ask you questions tailored to your major, industry of choice, and experiences on your resume. She also analyzes your content, micro-expressions, eye contact, words per minute, level of enthusiasm, and more! Our mock interviews will help you strengthen your interviewing skills. 


Personalized Engagement Tools

Quinn also provides you with the necessary tools to be successful! You can access how-to videos, PDFs, and mock interviews that teach you everything you need to know to perform well. You will also have unlimited access to our Need Help button containing countless support documents.  

Engage with Quinn to prepare. Enhance and highlight your skills. Elevate your career opportunities. 

Access Quinncia 

Sign in with your email address. 


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