TC to Host Conference on “The Contributions of Indigenous Knowledge to Education: Responding to New Migration in New York City Schools”
Highlights will include:
- Opening remarks by TC’s Regina Cortina, Professor of Education.
- From the Mountains to the School System: Mixteco Children's Lived Experiences on Migration. Led by Valentina Glockner Fagetti, Specialist in the Anthropology of Childhood, CLACSO-CINDE Childhood and Youth Postdoctoral Research Program - Puebla, México, this workshop will focus on the political, historical, and economic contexts of the Mixteco culture and ethnicity.
- Remarks by Ambassador Diego Gómez Pickering, Consul General of Mexico to New York City
- “Migrant Knowledges and Indigenous Students in Urban Settings: News from Latin America,” a keynote address by Luis Enrique López, Director, Programa de Educación para la Vida y el Trabajo (Education Program for Life and Work) (EDUVIDA) - German Technical Assistance (GIZ).
- Governmental and Intergovernmental Initiatives for the Inclusion of Mexican Indigenous Migrants in New York.” Introduced and moderated by Alexia Núñez, Consul of Community Affairs at the Mexican Consulate in New York, this session will include presentations on:
- US-Mexico Bilateral Educational Agreements for Mexican Indigenous Groups as an Opportunity to Knowledge: The Case of the Stanford-ITAM Partnership - Presentation by Romina Quezada, Research Scholar, National Autonomous University of Mexico
- Avenues for Immigration Relief: Political Asylum and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status - Presentation by Lisa D. Mendel, Attorney at Meyers & Meyers, LLP.
- Presentation by New York City Council Member Carlos Menchaca, District 38.
- “Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Intercultural Classroom Settings,” a keynote address by Mindahi Bastida Muñoz and Geraldine Ann Patrick-Encina, Original Caretakers Scholars-in-Residence, Center for Earth Ethics, Columbia University
- A screening of the documentary film Sad Happiness: Cinthya’s Transborder Journey, directed by Professor Lynn Stephen of the University of Oregon. Stephen will conduct a Q and A.
For a full schedule of events, click here or contact Lucía Caumont-Stipanicic ( or Maried Rivera Nieves (
Published Friday, Oct 28, 2016